Dear Friends in Christ,
I hope that you have been having a blessed Holy Week, even in the midst of our continued “lock-down” time. Please remember that we will not have our usual Wednesday night reflection. Instead, you are cordially invited to participate in our Maundy Worship Service on Thursday, April 9th at 7 p.m., when we will be remembering Jesus’ Last Supper with His disciples. To prepare for worship on Thursday night, we ask that you have ready some bread and some juice that you can share with those who share your home. Then, please download the worship service which is attached, here.

Then on Sunday, at 9:30 a.m., you are invited to join us in a joyful Easter worship! You will be receiving Sunday’s worship service by email and/ or on our web page by Saturday. You can find the worship service liturgies and services (live) on our web page or on our Facebook page, at the times listed above. Invite your family and friends to worship with us, as well!
We look forward to being together across the miles as we remember and thank Jesus, for His sacrificial love, for all of us.
“See” you soon,
Pastor Liz